Do you find yourself with extra time on your hands? This could be the perfect opportunity to investigate Multi-Etch. We have a lot of information on our website. If you've been thinking about anodizing titanium or bringing the process in-house, give us a call 928-634-5307 or email We are here to help!
If you're a current Multi-Etch user, you might also want to ask questions about particulars with your process. And if you're an artist or jeweler, this is a great time to try out a new project. Our distributors are open and waiting for your orders!
Chris & Sandy Boothe
Larger operations might be interested in the custom production lines made by IPEC Global, consisting of all the equipment you need to streamline larger production processes. See and their sister site .
IPEC Global
Be assured that Multi-Etch LLC is continuing it's production in a secure facility with no interruptions. Be safe everyone.