Titanium Grade 5 (Ti-6Al-4V) Coupon Kit 10-Pack: .020" x 2" x 4"
Grade 5 is the strongest of all the titanium alloys thanks to its higher aluminum and vanadium content. It offers good corrosion resistance, weldability, and strength to weight ratio. Additionally, it anodizes easily and can product brilliant colors when etched with Multi-Etch .
Buy our 10 pack of Titanium Grade 5 coupons for all of your testing and practice needs.
Running a test piece at the beginning of daily production to spot check your desired colors and quality ensures:
Coupons can also be used for practicing new anodizing techniques and different surface preparation methods.
Lastly titanium coupons are reusable. Simply return them to the Multi-Etch Bath and leave them in until all of the color has been etched off, or sand or wire-brush down to raw material.
Quantity = 10
Thickness = .020"
Length = 2"
Width = 4"
Shear tolerance = +/- .125